The Effects of Redundant Text and Learning Materials on Multimedia Learning and Cognitive Load
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.53018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,477  浏览: 8,808  国家科技经费支持
作者: 龚德英:四川师范大学教育科学学院,四川 成都;张大均:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 冗余文本学习材料认知负荷多媒体学习Redundant Text Learning Material Cognitive Load Multimedia Learning
摘要: 采用2 (冗余文本:概括文本vs.全文文本) × 2 (材料特性:原理性vs.现象性)的混合设计,探讨两因素对多媒体学习中外部认知负荷和学习结果的影响。结果表明,原理性材料比现象性材料所导致的内部认知负荷更高;冗余文本和材料特性对外部认知负荷的主效应显著,交互作用显著。在原理性材料中,冗余文本的全文呈现比概括呈现导致更高的外部认知负荷,记忆和迁移测试成绩都更好。而在现象性材料中,冗余文本的概括呈现和全文呈现没有导致认知负荷和学习结果的显著差异。结果表明同样的教学设计在不同材料中导致的认知负荷并不一样,且认知负荷也不是决定学习成绩的唯一因素,还受到学习材料本身特性的影响。
Abstract: The study employed a 2 (redundant text: summarized vs. whole text) × 2 (learning material: theo-retical vs. phenomenal) mixed factor design, to study the effect of two factors on external cognitive load and learning outcome in multimedia learning. The results revealed that the theoretical ma-terial induced higher intrinsic cognitive load than descriptive material. Both redundant text and learning material had significant main effect and interactive effect on extraneous cognitive load. In the learning of theoretical material, participants with whole text got higher extraneous cognitive load, but outperformed both on retention and transfer test than those with summarized text. How-ever, the results didn’t duplicate when participants were learning descriptive material. The results indicated that same instructional design didn’t always induce same cognitive load, and cognitive load was not the only factor which influenced learning outcome; characters of learning material also had effect on learning outcome.
文章引用:龚德英, 张大均 (2015). 冗余文本和材料特性对多媒体学习及认知负荷的影响. 心理学进展, 5(3), 125-133. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.53018


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