The Relationship of Epistemological Beliefs, Need for Closure in Classroom, and Learning Strategies among Chinese High School Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.46103, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,173  浏览: 11,445  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈 萍, 陈 陈:南京师范大学心理学院,南京
关键词: 认识论信念课堂认知闭合需要学习策略高中生Epistemological Beliefs Need for Closure in Classroom Learning Strategies High School Students
摘要: 采用问卷法调查了213名高中生认识论信念、课堂认知闭合需要和学习策略的关系。研究结果表明:1)知识的稳定性正向预测深层学习策略,全知全能的权威负向预测深层学习策略。2) 对结构的偏好正向预测表层学习策略以及深层学习策略;对确定性的偏好负向预测深层学习策略。3) 知识的结构、知识的稳定性通过对结构的偏好间接预测表层学习策略和深层学习策略;知识的结构通过对确定性的偏好间接预测深层学习策略。
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the relationship of epistemological beliefs, need for closure in classroom, and learning strategies by using questionnaire among 213 Chinese high school students. Research results demonstrated that the stability of knowledge significantly and positively predicted deep learning strategy, whereas omniscient authority significantly and negatively pre-dicted deep learning strategy. Furthermore, preference for structure significantly and positively predicted both surface and deep learning strategies, whereas preference for certainty significantly and negatively predicted deep learning strategy. In addition, the structure and stability of know-ledge were found to predict both deep and surface learning strategies indirectly through preference for structure, and structure of knowledge predicted deep learning strategy indirectly through preference for certainty.
文章引用:陈萍, 陈陈 (2014). 认识论信念、课堂认知闭合需要和高中生学习策略的关系. 心理学进展, 4(6), 788-798. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.46103


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