An Empirical Study of Consumers’ Motives forPurchasing Branded Products
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2012.24008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 4,774  浏览: 21,139  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 张圣亮, 李小东:中国科学技术大学管理学院
关键词: 名牌产品购买动机求实动机Branded Products; Purchasing Motives; Motive for Tangible Benefit
摘要: 通过深度访谈和问卷调查,提炼出了我国消费者选购名牌产品的24个动机;通过探索性因子和验证性因子分析,将24个动机归纳为7类;通过均值分析,发现7类动机从高到低依次是“享受企业信誉”、“享受卓越品质”、“享受优质服务”、“降低选择成本”、“降低购买风险”、“获得心理认同获得社会认同”;通过独立样本T检验发现,消费者性别和受教育程度对选购名牌产品动机均无显著影响。
Abstract:  Twenty-four purchasing motives for branded products were elicited using the depth interviews and questionnaires survey in China. After classifying these purchasing motives into seven factors through exploratory factor and confirmatory factor analysis, means analysis and independent samples T-test were conducted. It was found that the seven motive factors were ordered in descending as follows, to enjoy the reputation, to pursue the excellent quality, to pursue high-quality service, to lower the cost of purchasing, to reduce the risk of purchasing, the access to psychological identification and the access to social identification, and that gender and level of education had no significant effect on the motives for purchasing branded products. Moreover the findings were discussed and important managerial implications were provided in the end of the paper.
文章引用:张圣亮, 李小东. 消费者选购名牌产品动机实证研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2012, 2(4): 41-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2012.24008


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