The Influence of Salary Satisfaction on Self Efficacy—Organizational Climate and as a Mediator
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2016.66024, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,936  浏览: 6,241 
作者: 游旻勋*, 庄育诗:健行科技大学国际企业管理研究所,台湾 中坜市
关键词: 薪资满意组织气氛自我效能Salary Satisfaction Organizational Climate Self-Efficacy
摘要: 中小企业为台湾必须重视的主体。因此本研究以桃园市、台北市、基隆市五家不同的制造业、船务业、仓储业内部员工与主管进行问卷研究分析目的。(1) 薪资满意对于组织气氛均具有正向显著影响;(2) 组织气氛对自我效能具有正向显著影响;(3) 组织气氛在薪资满意自我效能中,具有部分中介效果。
Abstract: Taiwan must pay attention to the subject of SMEs. Research of the staff and supervisors from five different industries including manufacturing, warehousing and shipping in Taoyuan, Taipei and Keelung is analyzed. (1) Salary satisfaction shall is a significant positive impact on organizational climate; (2) organizational climate has a positive and significant effect on self-efficacy and (3) organizational climate plays the role of a mediator in the influence of salary satisfaction on self- efficacy.
文章引用:游旻勋, 庄育诗. 薪资满意对自我效能之影响以组织气氛为中介[J]. 现代管理, 2016, 6(6): 184-191. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2016.66024


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