Village Leaders’ Working Stressors in the Construction of New Socialist Countryside—An Empirical Study from 10 Towns, 110 Village Leaders in Heyang County, Shanxi Province
摘要: 基于2010年10月对陕西省河阳县10个乡镇110位村干部的半结构式问卷调查,运用探索性因子分析技术对村干部在新农村建设过程中所面临的工作压力进行了实证研究。研究发现,村干部的工作压力源主要来自于:外界对村干部工作期望、工作难度、角色冲突、社会声望和权威、职业前景等五个方面。进一步研究还发现,在以上五个方面,角色冲突的压力最大;其次是他人对工作的期望;再次是工作难度。然而,社会声望和权威、职业前景的压力,相对较弱。
Abstract: Based on the survey of 110 village leaders from ten towns in Heyang County, Shanxi Province, China, this paper analyzed the working stressors in the Construction of New Socialist Countryside by explora-tory factor analysis technique. We found that their working stressors are: expectancy from others, working dif-ficulties, role conflict, social authority and reputation, as well as the career future. Further, the results indicated that the role conflict is the first biggest working stressor, the second and third biggest stressors are the expec-tancy from others, and working difficulties respectively. However, social authority and reputation, as well as the career future stressors are the weakest working stressors.
文章引用:郭斌, 王征兵, 甄静. 社会主义新农村建设背景下村干部工作压力源研究—基于2010年对陕西省河阳县10个乡镇110位村干部的调查[J]. 现代管理, 2011, 1(1): 35-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mm.2011.11007


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