The Effects of Background Music on High School Students’ Reading Comprehension
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2012.24032, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,341  浏览: 14,277 
作者: 李洪玉*:天津师范大学心理与行为研究院;何一粟:天津体育学院;李宁宁:安定医院
关键词: 流行歌曲古典音乐背景音乐中学生阅读理解Pop Song; Classical Music; Background Music; High School Student; Reading Comprehension
摘要: 研究以初一、初二、高一、高二104名中学生为对象,考察不同类型背景音乐对有无背景音乐偏好被试阅读理解成绩的影响。表明:1) 古典音乐对四年级被试的阅读理解均有显著促进作用;流行歌曲对初中生阅读理解的干扰显著大于高中生。2) 对有背景音乐偏好被试,古典音乐和流行歌曲的伴奏乐对阅读理解有显著促进作用,有伴奏歌曲和无伴奏的歌曲清唱无干扰作用;对无背景音乐偏好被试,古典音乐和流行歌曲伴奏乐对阅读理解无任何影响,而有伴奏歌曲和无伴奏的歌曲清唱有着显著的干扰作用。
Abstract: This study investigated the effects of different types of background music on reading comprehension. In study 1, 72 participants were chosen from Grade 1 and 2 of junior high school and Grade 1 and 2 of senior high school. In study 2, 32 participants were chosen from Grade 2 of junior high school. Participants’ reading comprehension was tested after they read in different backgrounds. The results show: 1) Classical music had significantly positive effects on both the junior high and the senior high students’ reading comprehension. The negative effect of Pop song on the junior students’ reading comprehension was significantly stronger than on the senior students’. 2) For those participants who have background music preference, classical music and instrumental music accompaniment of pop song had significantly positive effects on reading comprehension; songs with and without instrumental music accompaniment had no significantly negative effects. For those participants who didn’t have background music preference, classical music and instrumental music accompaniment of pop song had no significant effects on reading comprehension, but songs with and without instrumental music accompaniment had significantly negative effects.
文章引用:李洪玉, 何一粟, 李宁宁 (2012). 不同类型背景音乐对中学生阅读理解的影响. 心理学进展, 2(4), 206-213. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2012.24032


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