Construction and Analysis of Feminist Criticism Perspective in The Romance of Three Kingdoms
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作者: 邱宗锋:广西大学外国语学院,广西 南宁
关键词: 女性主义文学批评三国演义Feminism Literary Criticism The Romance of Three Kingdoms
摘要: 女性主义的文学批评模式主要从三个视角看待文学作品:女性人物、女性作者和女性读者。虽然人类的文学长河汹涌流淌的是男性波涛,女性主义的浪花却从一开始就伴随着男性波涛跳跃辉映,一路延绵不息直至融汇入海。《三国演义》是中国文学的鸿篇巨著,尽管发端于男权鼎盛的社会历史时期,仍不乏荧光闪烁着女性主义的妖娆魅影。针对《三国演义》作一番女性主义批评视角的建构和分析,将会是对文学领域本就始终存在的女性主义因素的一次集中发掘和完整审视,从而更加丰富对《三国演义》的认识和鉴赏框架。
Abstract: Literary criticism pattern of feminism mainly regards literary works from three perspectives: female character, female writer and female reader. The human literature flows with the main stream of masculine water, but the feminine waves have been sparkling all along the river until it merges into the ocean. The Romance of Three Kingdoms is a great work of the Chinese literature, in which the historical times of masculine boom are reflected while feminine charms have glittered. The analysis on The Romance of Three Kingdoms with feminist criticism would be a concentration on and an examination of the feminism that has been integrated into human literature at its very beginning, enriching the appreciation and study on the works.
文章引用:邱宗锋. 《三国演义》的女性主义批评视角的建构与分析[J]. 世界文学研究, 2015, 3(4): 154-158. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2015.34024


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