Feminist Works through the Male Perspective—Inquiry into the Gender Relations in Ethan Frome and The Good Earth
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2015.32003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,647  浏览: 7,341  国家科技经费支持
作者: 周铭英:浙江工业大学,浙江 杭州
关键词: 《伊坦•弗洛美》《大地》女性主义两性关系Ethan Frome The Good Earth Feminism Gender Relations
摘要: 伊迪丝•华顿的《伊坦弗洛美》与赛珍珠的《大地》出版时间均在上世纪初,相隔不过二十年,两人同属于贵族阶层却根据各自的乡村经历和体验写出了一部关于两性关系的作品。本文试图从两个方面来阐释:首先,伊坦弗洛美与王龙都不再是传统的强势的男权象征存在,他们在家庭关系中渐渐转向了他们的女人;其次,20世纪初期男权制仍然十分顽固,在做最后一搏,试图从各个方面压制女性与女性意识的萌芽,然而我们看到这些努力背后的是男权地位的动摇与女性意识的觉醒。
Abstract: Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome and Pearl Bucks’ The Good Earth were both published in the early 20th century. Both of the novelists were from the upper-class American society, yet they based their story on their respective experiences in rural areas whether in the United States or in China. This essay attempts to explore into the works in two aspects: For one thing, the respective protagonist Ethan Frome and Wang Long are no longer portrayed as absolute masculine power, but rather in the course of time turn to their woman; for another, the patriarchal sexist bias is still deep-rooted in the efforts of repressing women and feminist sprout, yet still the crumbing of patriarchal system and the wake of feminist thought are on the horizon.
文章引用:周铭英. 透过男性视角写就的女性主义作品——窥探《伊坦•弗洛美》和《大地》中的两性关系[J]. 世界文学研究, 2015, 3(2): 13-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2015.32003


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