The Comparison between “Guo2” and “Shitakotogaaru” in the Perfect Tense inAttributive Clauses——A Study Based on the CJCS
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2014.22011, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,585  浏览: 8,655  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘琛琛:杭州师范大学,杭州
关键词: 经验表现定语从句语料库原因分析Experience Performance Attributive Clause Corpus Cause Analysis
摘要: 本文利用《中日对译语料库》里的例句针对定语从句中“过2”的日译现象进行了统计,发现“过2”被翻译成日语时一般有四种情况:1) 翻译成シタコトガアル;2) 翻译成スル/シタ;3) 翻译成シテイル/シテイタ;4) 不译,其中第一种情况所占的比例仅有24%左右,且在这些例句当中90%左右的例句都是否定句。与此相对,定语从句中的シタコトガアル被翻译成中文时,被翻译成“过2”的比例占到了67.3%。从这些数据中可以发现,定语从句中的“过2”与シタコトガアル之间存在着较大的差异。为了搞清楚这种差异产生的原因以及对差异的产生造成影响的因素,本文对收集到的例句进行了分类整理和分析,得出了以下几个结果:首先,造成差异的最根本的原因是两种语言对“经验”的捕捉不同;其次,对差异的产生造成影响的主要因素是动词和时间词。
Abstract: According to the corpus for Sino-Japanese translation, this paper does a statistical analysis of Japanese translation of “Guo2” in attributive clause and finds that there are generally four cases when “Guo2” was translated into Japanese: 1) translate it into shitakotogaaru; 2) translate it into suru/ sita; 3) translate it into shiteiru/shiteita; 4) not to translate it, where the proportion of the first case is only about 24%, and 90% of these sentences are negative sentences. In contrast, when shitakotogaaru in attributive clause is translated into Chinese, it can be found that the proportion of its being translated into “Guo2” accounts for 67.3%. From these data, we find that there exists a big difference between “Guo2” in attributive clause and shitakotogaaru. In order to understand the causes of such differences as well as the affecting factors of differences, this paper classifies and analyzes those collected sentences, only to obtain the following results: First, the most fundamental reason for such a difference is different cognition on the "experience" of two languages; Secondly, the main factors affecting the difference are verbs and time words.
文章引用:刘琛琛. 定语从句中“过2”与シタコトガアル的对应情况考察——基于对中日对译语料库数据的统计[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(2): 88-97. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.22011


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