Effect of Cognitive Style on Perceptual Sequence Learning
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.67107, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,740  浏览: 5,484 
作者: 彭 琳, 寇冬泉:扬州大学教育科学学院,江苏 扬州;咸桂彩:天津职业技术师范大学职业教育学院,天津
关键词: 知觉序列学习内隐学习整体–分析认知风格言语–表象认知风格Perceptual Sequence Learning Implicit Learning Wholist-Analytic Cognitive Style Verbal-Imagery Cognitive Style
摘要: 目的:本研究旨在证明在序列学习中知觉序列学习的存在,同时探索认知风格对内隐知觉序列学习的影响。方法:2 × 3 × 3三因素混合实验设计,通过两个部分完成——1) 知觉序列学习,引入和改变Remillard的知觉序列,证明了知觉序列学习的存在。2) 认知风格分析测验(CSA),测验不同认知风格对知觉序列学习的影响。结论:1) 基于知觉序列的学习是可以发生的;2) 知觉序列学习是内隐学习;3) 知觉学习的程度显著影响着内隐学习;4) 言语–表象和整体–分析认知风格对知觉的内隐学习没有显著影响。
Abstract: Purpose: To prove the existence of the perceptual sequence learning, and to explore the effect of cognitive style on perceptual sequence learning. Method: 2 × 3 × 3 three factors mixed experi-mental design was used, which was completed by two parts: 1) through perceptual sequence learning, introducing and changing Remillard perceptual sequence, the existence of perceptual sequence learning was proved; 2) by cognitive style analysis (CSA), effect of different cognitive styles on perceptual sequence learning was analyzed. Result: 1) The pure perceptual-based learn-ing exists in Perceptual SRT; 2) the perception sequence learning can be implicit learning; 3) the degree of perceptual learning significantly influences implicit learning; 4) verbal-imagery and wholist-analytic cognitive styles do not significantly affect implicit learning.
文章引用:彭琳, 咸桂彩, 寇冬泉 (2016). 认知风格对知觉序列学习的影响. 心理学进展, 6(7), 826-835. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.67107


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