The Study of the Effects of Consumer Animosity and Affective Country Image—The Empirical Study Based on Chinese Consumer
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2015.54010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,554  浏览: 12,140  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 武瑞娟:天津理工大学管理学院,天津
关键词: 敌意情感国家形象日本美国Animosity Affective Country Image Japan America
摘要: 消费者敌意与情感国家形象都包含了消费者对其他国家的认知和情感成分,论文旨在探讨这两个变量的影响效应,具体而言,探讨这两个变量如何影响消费者的产品评价、购买意愿和产品拥有。通过对中国上海、北京、成都、青岛和沈阳五个城市,663名中国消费者对日本和美国敌意与情感国家形象调查,研究结果发现,第一,消费者敌意和情感国家形象是两个独立的变量,两者既有区别又有联系,消费者敌意负向影响情感国家形象。第二,中国消费者对日本的敌意较高,对美国的情感国家形象评价较好。第三,消费者敌意与情感国家形象对产品评价、购买意愿和产品拥有影响效应不同。消费者敌意对产品评价和购买意愿没有影响,对产品拥有负向显著影响。情感国家形象对产品评价、购买意愿和产品拥有均有正向显著影响。
Abstract: Consumer animosity and affective country image both have cognitive and affective components. The present study aims to examine the effects of consumer animosity and affective country image. To be specific, we will examine how consumer animosity and affective country image influence product evaluation, purchase intention and the ownership of the product. The study investigates 663 Chinese consumers’ animosity and affective country image to Japan and America in five cities (Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Qingdao, and Shenyang), and reports the findings. First, consumer animosity and affective country image are two independent variables, and consumer animosity affects affective country image negatively. Second, Chinese consumers have more animosity towards Japan, and better affective country image towards America. Third, consumer animosity and affective country image have different effects on product evaluation, purchase intention and product ownership. Specifically, consumer animosity has no influence on product evaluation and purchase intention, and affects product ownership negatively. Affective country image impacts product evaluation, purchase intention and product ownership positively.
文章引用:武瑞娟. 消费者敌意与情感国家形象影响效应研究—基于中国消费者的实证研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2015, 5(4): 71-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2015.54010


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