The Comparative Study on Undergraduate Education in Environmental Discipline in Universities between China and United Kingdom
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2014.43006, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,111  浏览: 8,545  国家科技经费支持
作者: 田 青, 王 思:北京师范大学环境教育中心,北京;殷培红:中国环境保护部环境经济政策研究中心,北京
关键词: 中国英国环境学科本科比较研究China United Kingdom Environmental Discipline Undergraduate Education Comparative Study
摘要: 高校专门的环境学科专业化人才培养工作,是支撑国家生态文明能力建设的重要基础之一。通过网络方式获取中国和英国与环境学科相关的一些典型高校发布的有关环境学科本科人才培养方面的一手信息,对中英两国高校环境学科本科人才培养,在学科起源、受教育年限的学制安排、专业设置、专业培养目标、课程设置等方面进行比较分析和研究,发现我国高校环境学科“投错了胎”导致如今的学科发展迷失了方向而陷入狭窄的领域;研究还发现,英国高校环境学科本科人才培养的整体设计上、培养目标的表述、专业设置的宽广性、课程特色的突出、实习机制有制度保障和完善体系支撑等方面,有值得我国高校环境学科本科人才培养中进行反思和借鉴之处。
Abstract: The talents development in environmental discipline in higher education is one of the capacity buildings for Eco-civilization construction in China. Getting data from the website, after making comparative study on undergraduate education in environmental discipline based on the data sources released by universities with typical environmental discipline between China and UK, the sources of environmental discipline, the length of schooling, the major arrangement, the education aims, the curriculum and courses arrangements, et al. were studied. It was found that the sources of environmental discipline in China were departed from the right one to make environmental discipline’s development lose its development direction. It was also found that there were inspirations to reflect and learn the holistic design of environmental discipline, the education aims interpretation, the majors or programs arrangements, curriculum and courses characters, intern- ship mechanism and its institutional supports at university level, et al. in British universities for China universities making references.
文章引用:田青, 王思, 殷培红. 中英高校环境学科本科人才培养的比较研究[J]. 教育进展, 2014, 4(3): 32-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2014.43006


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