Explore about the Type of Payment of Free Normal Students’ Training Costs
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2013.12003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,891  浏览: 9,304 
作者: 金松文, 姚银红, 张瑜晗:华中师范大学,数学与统计学学院,数学与经济学实验班,武汉
关键词: 免费师范生培养费用支付宝模式支付类型Free Normal Student; Training Costs; Alipay Mode; The Type of Payment
摘要: 2007年免费师范生政策推出以来,已得到社会的广大关注。本文基于免费师范生的经济学定位和免费师范生协议,对免费师范生进行角色分析。在此角色分析基础上引入支付宝模式对免费师范生本科培养费用的支付类型进行分析,并提出三种新的支付类型,最后结合美、日、英法等国的支付类型对我国的现有支付类型分析及提出相应建议。 The policy of free normal student has been the general concern of the society since it was launched in 2007. This article analyzes the role of free college students based on the economics positioning and the agreement of the free normal students, introduces the Alipay mode to analyze the type of payment of undergraduate free normal students’ cost, and puts forward three new types of payments. Finally, we combine with the type of payment of United States, Japan, Britain and France to make a deep analysis of the free normal student’s payments and make some recommendations.
文章引用:金松文, 姚银红, 张瑜晗. 免费师范生培养费用支付类型探讨[J]. 创新教育研究, 2013, 1(2): 13-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CES.2013.12003


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