The Self-Verification Motivation of People Who Hold Negative Self-Concept: Arguments and Reflections
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.44088, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,323  浏览: 18,181  科研立项经费支持
作者: 岳 童, 高媛媛, 黄希庭:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 自我验证理论消极自我概念自我提升理论The Theory of Self-Verification Negative Self-Concept The Theory of Self-Enhancement
摘要: 自我验证(self-verification)是指个体试图在自我知觉之间以及自我知觉与即将获得的信息之间寻求一致性的现象。该理论认为,在自我验证动机的驱使下,即使自我观消极的个体也会主动寻求确认自我概念的信息。但是,这一观点目前存在诸多争议,主要集中于三个方面:与自我提升关系如何、是否会带来积极情感体验,以及是否有适应价值。面对这些争论,有必要从自我验证的原因和对象两个方面做进一步的讨论。今后应在理论研究方面做进一步的证实,并要重视理论研究在心理健康临床实践中的应用价值。
Abstract: Self-verification is a phenomenon that individuals try to seek agreement inter self-perception or between self-perception and information being obtained. The theory believes that even those with negative self-concept will still look for information of confirming self-concept actively under the driving of self-verification. However, at present there are many controversies about this view, fo-cusing on three aspects: its relationship with self-enhancement, whether it will bring about positive emotional experience and whether it will exhibit adaptive value. Therefore, it is necessary for dealing with these arguments to investigate furthermore from both the reasons and the objects of self-affirmation. Finally, we can make an outlook of that much attention should be focused on the theory research. What’s more, applying value of theory research should be emphasized in mental healthy clinical practice.
文章引用:岳童, 高媛媛, 黄希庭 (2014). 消极自我概念者的自我验证动机:争论与反思. 心理学进展, 4(4), 657-665. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.44088


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