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Luthans, F., Youssef, C.M. and Avolio, B.J. (2007) Psychological Capital: Developing the Human Competitive Edge. Oxford University Press, Oxford.


  • 标题: 成功会影响幸福感吗?—心理资本的中介作用Does Success Affects Well-Being?—The Mediating Effect of Psychological Capital

    作者: 陈玮瑜, 张兴贵

    关键字: 员工幸福感, 职业生涯成功, 心理资本Employee Well-Being, Career Success, Psychological Capital

    期刊名称: 《Management Science and Engineering》, Vol.5 No.2, 2016-06-03

    摘要: 古往今来,成功和幸福都是人们追求的重要目标。但相对于成功来说,幸福才是人类追求的终极目标。然而,在现实生活中,人们强烈的渴望成功、追求成功,以至于有人过度地追求成功,却严重地损害了身心健康和生活质量。成功会影响幸福感吗?如何从成功中获得幸福感?心理资本在其中具有何种作用机制?本文通过对广东省两百多名企业员工和公务员的问卷调查,考察了职业生涯成功(包括主观成功与客观成功)与员工幸福感(包括生活满意度、正/负性情感、心理幸福感)的关系以及心理资本在其中的中介作用。研究发现:1) 薪酬水平(客观成功)与生活满意度显著正相关;2) 职业满意度(主观成功)与生活满意度、心理幸福感显著正相关,与负性情感显著负相关;3) 主观成功(即职业满意度)能显著影响员工幸福感;4) 心理资本充当了成功影响幸福感的部分中介变量。 Both success and well-being are important targets that people are pursuing of all ages. Compared with success, well-being is the ultimate goal for human beings. But nowadays, many people are eager for success so that some of them are pursuing success overly, but their health and life quality are being hurt heavily. Does success affect well-being? How to gain well-being from success? What is the effect of people’s psychological capital? The authors of this thesis try to study the relationship between career success (including subjective career success and objective career success) and employee well-being (including life satisfaction, positive and negative emotion, psychological well-being), and confirm the intermediary role which psychological capital acts as through questionnaire survey of over two hundred government officials and employees who live in Guangdong Province. Results show that 1) Pay level, an index of objective career success, has sig-nificant positive correlation with life satisfaction; 2) Career satisfaction, an index of subjective ca-reer success, has significant positive correlation with life satisfaction as well as PWB, but significant negative correlation with negative emotion; 3) Subjective career success (i.e., career satisfaction) can significantly influence EWB; 4) Psychological capital not only has direct effect on EWB, but also acts as the partial mediator of the influence which career success acts on EWB.


