CES  >> Vol. 11 No. 9 (September 2023)

Creative Education Studies
Vol.11 No.9(2023), Paper ID 71713, 11 pages

Mathematics Teacher’s Teaching Ability from the Perspective of Core Quality Survey and Analysis of Improvement Needs—Taking Loudi Primary School as an Example

成科星,罗志军:湖南人文科技学院数学与金融学院,湖南 娄底;
田晓莉:湖南省新化县第三中学,湖南 新化

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How to Cite this Article

成科星, 罗志军, 田晓莉. 核心素养视域下数学教师教学能力提升需求的调查分析——以娄底市小学为例[J]. 创新教育研究, 2023, 11(9): 2486-2497. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2023.119368