Effect of the Levels of Procedural Knowledge in Disciplinary Domain on Secondary School Mathematical Problems’ Representational Strategies
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.31003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,307  浏览: 10,448  国家科技经费支持
作者: 赵顺英*:广州大学教育学院心理学系;蔡笑岳:广州大学青少年心理发展与教育研究所;王兰灵, 陈智勇:广州市广州大学附属中学
关键词: 学科领域程序性知识直接转换策略问题模型策略Disciplinary Domain Knowledge; Procedural Knowledge; Direct Translation Strategy; Problem-Model Strategy
摘要: 采用2 × 4两因素试验设计,探讨学科领域知识中程序性知识水平对中学生问题表征的影响。先用程序性知识水平测量问卷挑选出60名中学生参加实验,将其分为两组。然后采用学习干扰测验研究范式,以四类算式为研究材料,研究程序性知识水平对中学生问题表征策略的影响。结果表明:低程序性知识水平与高程序性知识水平的学生在问题表征时都使用直接转换策略和问题模型策略;低程序性知识水平学生倾向于采用直接转换策略;高程序性知识水平学生倾向于采用问题模型策略。
Abstract: This research took 2 × 4 two-factor experimental design, to explore the effects of procedural knowledge in disciplinary domain knowledge on the students’ problem representational strategies. Firstly, procedural knowledge level measurement questionnaire was used to select 60 secondary school students to participate in the experiment, they were divided into two groups. And then, this research took learning-inter- ference Quiz research paradigm and used four types of formula as research material, to study the levels of procedural knowledge to characterize the impact of problem representational strategies. The results show that: both the students with the low and high levels of procedural knowledge use direct translation strategy and problem-model strategy; but the students with low procedural knowledge are tend to use direct translation strategy; but the students with high procedural knowledge are tend to use problem-model strategy.
文章引用:赵顺英, 蔡笑岳, 王兰灵, 陈智勇. 学科领域知识中程序性知识水平对中学生数学问题表征策略的影响[J]. 心理学进展, 2013, 3(1): 16-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.31003


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