The Exploration of Mathematical Problems in Teaching Practice
DOI: 10.12677/ces.2024.125338, PDF, 下载: 70  浏览: 119 
作者: 米建芳:岚县民觉中学,山西 吕梁
关键词: 数学问题初中数学数学教学Mathematical Problem Junior High School Mathematics Mathematics Teaching
摘要: 数学问题解决一直都是数学教育的一种方式。本文通过分析初中数学教学过程中数学问题解决方面存在的问题,提出教师需要引导学生结合已有数学知识展开思考和探索数学问题,激发学生的学习热情,提高学生的学习兴趣;引导学生利用数学符号和数学模型,分析和解决数学问题;引导学生对数学问题进行深度的反思,从根本上提升学生主动解决数学问题的积极性。
Abstract: Math problem-solving has always been an approach in mathematics education. By analyzing the issues in math problem-solving during the process of junior high school mathematics teaching, this article proposes that teachers should guide students to engage in thinking and exploring mathematical problems by utilizing their existing mathematical knowledge, stimulating students’ learning enthusiasm and improving their interest in learning. Teachers should also guide students to utilize mathematical symbols and models to analyze and solve mathematical problems, and encourage them to conduct in-depth reflection on mathematical problems, ultimately enhancing students’ initiative and enthusiasm in actively solving mathematical problems.
文章引用:米建芳. 数学问题解决在教学实践中的探索[J]. 创新教育研究, 2024, 12(5): 648-652. https://doi.org/10.12677/ces.2024.125338


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