A Study on Critical Thinking Development Strategies for Elementary School Students under the Perspective of Deep Learning
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2024.141115, PDF, 下载: 155  浏览: 260 
作者: 王灿锋:杭州师范大学经亨颐教育学院,浙江 杭州
关键词: 深度学习小学生批判性思维发展策略Deep Learning Primary School Students Critical Thinking Strategies of Developing
摘要: 批判性思维是21世纪以来深受培养的思维能力之一,受到广泛学者的研究推崇,尤其针对于小学生来说,培养与发展批判性思维更是重中之重。深度学习也不断地提出要培养学生的高阶思维,例如创新思维、批判性思维等。然而,在批判性思维发展中,由于文化视角下的大环境不利,国家政策教育不利,加之教师批判性思维技能欠缺,学生缺少锻炼机会,不利于批判性思维发展。因此,本文从深度学习视域出发,试提出学校构建利于批判性思维发展的校园文化开发批判性思维发展课程,教师提高其批判性思维能力水平以及学生把握批判性思维发展机会和利用有益工具,以期为处于批判性思维成长阶段的小学生提供一定的支持,也为后续相关研究提供有利经验。
Abstract: Critical thinking is one of the most highly developed thinking skills in the 21st century and has been widely researched and promoted by scholars. For primary school students, cultivating and developing critical thinking is a top priority. Deep learning has also been continuously proposed to develop students’ higher-order thinking, such as innovative and critical thinking. However, the un-favorable general environment in the development of critical thinking from the cultural perspec-tive, the unfavorable national policy education, the lack of teachers’ critical thinking skills, and the lack of exercise opportunities for students are not conducive to developing critical thinking. Therefore, from the perspective of deep learning, this paper tries to propose that schools build a campus culture conducive to the development of critical thinking to develop a critical thinking development curriculum, teachers improve their critical thinking skills, and students grasp the opportunities for critical thinking development and utilize valuable tools, to provide a certain degree of support for primary school students in the growth stage of critical thinking, and also to provide a favorable ex-perience for the subsequent related research.
文章引用:王灿锋. 深度学习视域下小学生批判性思维发展策略研究[J]. 教育进展, 2024, 14(1): 739-745. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2024.141115


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