Phonological Activation during Semantic Access in Chinese Character Reading
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2012.25036, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,587  浏览: 9,707 
作者: 孔令跃*:北京大学对外汉语教育学院;康翠萍:北京师范大学脑与认知科学研究院;穆彦丁:华南理工大学电子与信息学院
关键词: Stroop效应语音作用语义通达The Stroop Effect; The Role of Phonology; Semantic Access
摘要: 本研究以Stroop范式考查汉字语义通达中语音的激活与作用这一阅读研究中的核心问题。在颜色命名实验中,颜色字及其同音字或者以一致的颜色书写,或者以不一致的颜色书写,要求被试说出它们的印刷颜色。我们发现颜色字命名既出现了干扰效应,也出现了促进效应。但字频相对低的颜色字的同音字命名中只出现了干扰效应而没有促进效应。这些结果表明汉字语义通达中语音自动激活,但不是语义激活所必需的成份,语义可由字形直接快速有效激活。
Abstract: A key issue in reading research is to understand the role of phonology in word meaning access. In the present study, the question was that if phonology will be activated in access of Chinese character meaning. Three experiments on naming were conducted with the Stroop paradigm, in which participants named the print color of Chinese color words and their homophones. Analyses showed Stroop interference and facilitation for homophones of high-frequency color words but a different pattern for homophones of low-frequency color words, in which only interference but no facilitation effects were observed. These results indicate that phonological activation is not obligatory in the visual semantic retrieval of Chinese character. Although phonology can be automatically activated and used to activate the character meaning, it only plays a secondary role. The character meaning could be gotten at rapidly along the orthographic-semantic route.
文章引用:孔令跃, 康翠萍, 穆彦丁 (2012). 汉字语义通达中语音的激活与作用. 心理学进展, 2(5), 229-235. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2012.25036


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