Research on RMV Education Mode of MBA Business Ethics in China
DOI: 10.12677/ae.2011.11008, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,098  浏览: 10,195  国家科技经费支持
作者: 张长征*:西安理工大学经济与管理学院;赵西萍:西安交通大学管理学院
关键词: 商业伦理教育模式MBARMV范式
Business Ethics; Education Mode; MBA Education; RMV Mode
摘要: 基于我国MBA商业伦理教育现状的分析,提出并阐述了MBA商业伦理教育的RMV范式。该范式中,商业伦理教育分为三个层次,分别为责任伦理层次(R,Responsibility)、道德伦理层次(M,Moral)和价值伦理层次(V,Value),并给出各层次商业伦理教育所应该匹配的不同教学手段与教学内容。其中,责任伦理层次教育致力于构建基于外部压力的伦理行为的动力机制,道德伦理层次教育致力于构建基于利益驱动的伦理行为的动力机制,而价值伦理层次教育则致力于构建基于内在追求的伦理行为的动力机制。在每一层次的商业伦理教育中,为MBA学员提供解决实际伦理困境的伦理决策技能与工具都是关键。
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the status quo of MBA business ethics education in China, the paper proposes the RMV Mode of MBA business ethics education. The modes proposes that there are three levels of teaching of business ethics education, respectively responsibility (R) level, moral (M) level and value (V) level, and proposes different teaching methods and teaching contents for each level. Of which, R level constructs the driving mechanism of behavior based on the external pressure of the MBA students, M level constructs the driving mechanism of behavior based on the benefits seeking motivation of the MBA students, and V level constructs the driving mechanism of behavior based on the internal value seeking motivation of the MBA stu-dents. In each level, it is critical for the business ethics education to provide the MBA students with the ethical decision-making skills and tools for resolving the practical ethical dilemmas.
文章引用:张长征, 赵西萍. 中国MBA商业伦理教育的RMV范式构建研究[J]. 教育进展, 2011, 1(1): 40-50.


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