The Operation Procedure of Equivalence of Measuring Instruments in Cross-Cultural Researches: What Have We Learnt from the Positive Psychology?
摘要: 本文以兼顾文化共通性与文化特殊性研究范式为逻辑起点,以跨文化研究中有关等价性原则为指导,有效整合世界卫生组织关于测量工具翻译和修订基本指导方针的相关内容,扩展传统回译法的基本步骤,提出“三方翻译程序”,同时从定性和定量两个角度获得参考资料,最终整合出含有7个步骤的跨文化研究测量工具等价性操作流程。
Abstract: With the logical starting point of Combined Etic-Emic Approach, and the guidance of rules related to equivalence in cross-cultural researches, this paper effectively integrates the relevant rules about measuring tool translation and modification developed by World Health Organization (WHO), expands the basic steps of traditional method of Back-translation, proposes a “Trilateral Translation Procedure”, and attains the reference materials from the perspectives of quantitive and qualitative, finally produces a measurement tool equivalence operation procedure of cross-cultural research including 7 steps.
文章引用:段文杰, 白羽, 何敏贤, 唐小晴 (2012). 跨文化研究中测量工具等价性操作流程初探:我们从积极心理学中学到了什么?. 心理学进展, 2(2), 78-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2012.22013


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