Brief Taking about How to Carry Out the Geography Inter-Team Teaching and Research Activities in Rural Middle Schools
摘要: 本文以江苏省苏州市相城区实验中学地理教研组联组活动为例,从组织形式,到操作实施,以及活动中可能遇到的各种问题及解决方法诸角度,全面探讨农村中学如何发挥团队合作的优势,以多种联组活动方式为手段,提升教研活动水平与教师专业水平,达到丰富教研活动方式,更好地激活课堂,实现地理教研、教学的成功改革。 This essay is based on the inter-team teaching and research activities in the experimental middle school in Xiangcheng District, Suzhou. This article talks thoroughly about how to make full use of the advantages of team cooperation in rural middle schools with the help of various activities to improve the level of teaching and research activities from the aspect of organization form, organizing and implementing as well as the possible problems and its solutions during the activity. And this activity is to be carried out with the purpose of improving the overall abilities of the teachers and the teaching and researching activities, thus enriching the forms of the teaching and researching, activating the lessons in a better way and making the reform of the teaching and researching activities a success.


文章引用:陆振华. 浅谈农村中学地理学科联组教研活动的开展[J]. 职业教育, 2012, 1(2): 41-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/VE.2012.12010