Gender Differences in Emotion Expression—Social Developmental Perspective
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.73046, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,765  浏览: 5,790 
作者: 李 想:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 儿童发展情绪表达性别性别差异Childhood Emotion Expression Gender Sex Differences
摘要: 在成年人中,情绪表达表现出较小的但是显著的性别差异,表现为女性显示出更高水平的情绪表达,特别是积极情绪和内化的负性情绪(例如悲伤)。本文章阐述了儿童在情绪表达的性别差异的生物–心理–社会的发展模型。以发展的角度,解释了性别差异何时发生以及发展的和背景的因素如何影响这种差异的出现。以往的实证研究支持了这一模型,至少对于欧美白人中产阶层的儿童如此。文章还讨论了现有研究的局限以及未来对儿童情绪与性别的研究的展望。
Abstract: Emotional expression shows a smaller but significant gender difference for adults, with women showing a higher level of emotional expressivity, especially for positive emotions and internalized negative emotions such as sadness. The current article describes the development of children’s gender-related emotional differences in the bio-psycho-social model. This article explains when these gender differences occur in terms of developmental perspective and how the developmental and contextual factors affect the emergence of this difference. Previous empirical studies have supported this model, at least for the European and American white middle class children. The article also discusses the limitations of existing empirical research and the future directions of emotion expression and gender in childhood.
文章引用:李想 (2017). 基于社会发展视角的情绪表达性别差异研究. 心理学进展, 7(3), 359-365. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.73046


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