TCM Disorder “痹证” (Bì Zhèng) and Its Clinical Translation
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2016.43006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,411  浏览: 6,938 
作者: 阎亦舒:上海中医药大学,上海
关键词: 痹证临床英译黄帝内经Bì Zhèng Clinical Translation Huang Di’s Inner Classics
摘要: 鉴于目前中医“痹证”及其临床内容翻译的混乱,本文总结“痹证”病名的演变和现今中医对“痹证”的认识,并遴选、整理了10部英文书籍和6种《黄帝内经》英译本,对比认知的差别,分析术语与句式的翻译异同。提出翻译时必须结合临床实际,理解古今“痹证”的概念。本文探讨了中医“痹证”临床英译策略,可以为中医病症的翻译提供理论参考。
Abstract: To tackle the confusion of the English translation of the TCM disorder known as “痹证” (Bì Zhèng), this article explored the source and evolution of its name and meaning. Additionally, it examined the passages concerning “痹证” (Bì Zhèng) from 10 English medical books and 6 English translations of Huang Di’s Inner Classics. Based on the literature, it compared the differences in understanding this disorder and it further analyzed the differences in the selection of terms and sentences. It proposes the principle in translating this disorder; that is, to translate it on the basis of clinical practice and a thorough understanding of this concept. This will provide reference for translating “痹证” (Bì Zhèng) and other diseases from a clinical perspective.
文章引用:阎亦舒. 中医“痹证”及其临床英译[J]. 现代语言学, 2016, 4(3): 43-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2016.43006


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