The Influence of Family Factors on Individual Drug Addiction and Recovery
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.63026, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,077  浏览: 6,511 
作者: 肖梦星, 史慧颖:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 药物成瘾家庭结构家庭关系家庭功能Addiction Family Structure Family Relationship Family Function
摘要: 青少年药物成瘾一般是在家庭当中形成的,反映了家庭系统的运行障碍,并且会因为家庭成员的相互作用而维持和加剧。而青少年吸毒人员生理上脱毒及多次戒毒后,不良的家庭环境会影响吸毒人员的康复。在其他研究的基础上,本文认为从药物成瘾到成功康复的过程中,家庭在两个阶段对其产生影响:1) 成瘾阶段;2) 生理脱毒后的康复阶段。本文从药物成瘾的相关理论、家庭对药物成瘾和成功康复的影响三方面来论述,并且提出已有研究的不足和未来研究的展望。
Abstract: Drug addiction is generally in the form of family. It reflects the operation of the family system, maintains and increases because of the interaction of family members. After drug users detoxifi-cation physiologically, bad family environment affects the rehabilitation of drug users. On the basis of other research, this paper has found that the family influences it in two stages from drug ad-diction to successful rehabilitation: first, addiction stage and second, after physiological detoxifi-cation rehabilitation stage. In this paper, we discuss three aspects of related theory of drug addic-tion, the influence of the family on drug addiction and successful rehabilitation, and put forward the shortcomings of existing research and the prospect for future research.
文章引用:肖梦星, 史慧颖 (2016). 家庭因素对青少年药物成瘾和康复的影响. 心理学进展, 6(3), 209-214. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.63026


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