Research Summary of Negative Effects of Violent Video Games
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.62023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,450  浏览: 10,684 
作者: 罗 红, 高雪梅:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 暴力电子游戏消极影响攻击性理论模型Violent Video Games Negative Effects Theoretical Model
摘要: 随着计算机和网络的普及及电子产业的发展,电子游戏已越来越成为人们生活的重要休闲方式,其中暴力电子游戏尤其受到青年一代的欢迎。与传统暴力影视作品相比,暴力电子游戏具有更强的互动性、同步性、可重复性及直接强化的特点,这也使其对玩家的影响更大。在前人研究的基础上,本文从攻击性行为、攻击性认知、攻击性情感、生理唤醒及减少亲社会行为五个方面论述了暴力电子游戏对玩家的影响,并根据现有的理论模型对此进行了解释,为未来进一步干预暴力电子游戏的消极影响提出一些建议。
Abstract: With the popularity of network, and the development of electronic industry, electronic game has increasingly become an important leisure; people’s life of violent video games was welcomed by the younger generation in particular. Compared with the traditional violent films, violent video games have more interactivity, synchronicity, repeatability, and the characteristics of direct reinforcement, and this also makes it more influence players. On the basis of predecessors’ research, this article discusses the influence of violent video games on players from five aspects of the aggressive behavior, cognition, aggressive feelings, aggressive physical arousal and reducing pro- social behavior, and explains it based on the existing theoretical model, thus putting forward some suggestions for further intervention of the negative effects of violent video games.
文章引用:罗红, 高雪梅 (2016). 暴力电子游戏的消极影响研究综述. 心理学进展, 6(2), 188-194. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.62023


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