The Research Progress of Depressed Individual Cognitive Biases—Based on the Perspective of Self-Reference Processing
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.62021, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,967  浏览: 13,453 
作者: 王 建:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 抑郁个体认知偏差自我参照加工负性偏见Depressed Individuals Cognitive Biases Self-Reference Processing Negative Bias
摘要: 抑郁个体大多存在着认知偏差,在自我参照信息加工中往往表现为自我负面偏见。本文回顾总结了近年来有关抑郁个体自我参照相关的研究方法、理论探究及神经机制研究,研究范式上有自我参照加工任务、自传体记忆提取范式、自我参照效应的R/K范式,理论解释主要有自我图式理论、认知理论、情绪记忆的语义网络模型以及唤醒水平理论,神经机制包含脑电研究和脑成像fMRI研究。最后对将来的研究方向进行展望和探讨。
Abstract: Individuals who are depressed often exhibit a negativity bias in self-referential processing. In the current article, we have reviewed the research methods, theoretical issues, and the neural me-chanism of negative self-referential processing in depressed people. The research methods include the self-referential processing task, autobiographical memory retrieval paradigm, and the R/K paradigm of self-referential effect. For theoretical issues, self-schema theory, cognitive theory, semantic network modal of emotional memory, and the arousal level theory were reviewed. The event related brain potentials and fMRI studies of the neural mechanism of self-referential processing with those depressive patients were also included. Finally, the future research direction was discussed.
文章引用:王建 (2016). 抑郁个体认知偏差的研究进展—基于自我参照加工视角. 心理学进展, 6(2), 169-180. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.62021


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