How to Use the Properties of Sensations to Improve the Quality of Pupils’ Observation
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2015.34032, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,131  浏览: 5,774 
作者: 王 娟:首都师范大学,北京
关键词: 小学科学知觉特性观察品质Primary School Science The Properties of Sensation Observation Qualities
摘要: 观察在人类获得科学认识的过程中具有重要作用,也是小学生学习科学的开始。观察以人的感知觉为基础,知觉的调动程度在很大程度上影响观察的效果和结果。知觉具有选择性、整体性、理解性和恒常性。像任何事物都有两面性一样,如果利用得当,会提升学生的观察品质。小学科学课堂上,教师应该采用适当的方法,正确发挥知觉特性的有利影响,矫正其负面影响,提升学生的观察品质。
Abstract: Observation is very important when people gain the scientific knowledge. Also, it is the start for the pupils to learn science. The degree of using the sensations to observe has a strong influence on the ending of the observation which is depending on one’s sensations. The properties of sensation are selectivity, holistic, understandable and permanent. Like one coin has two sides, if the sensations can be used appropriately, we can deserve better observation. In the primary school science class, the teachers should take advantages of the sensations to achieve a better resolve.
文章引用:王娟. 如何利用知觉特性提升学生的观察品质[J]. 创新教育研究, 2015, 3(4): 178-182. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CES.2015.34032


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