Relational Characters of Dark Triad
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.58059, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,182  浏览: 15,282  国家科技经费支持
作者: 张晓梅, 李文静:鲁东大学教育科学学院,山东 烟台
关键词: 马基雅维利主义精神变态自恋情感关系Machiavellianism Psychopath Narcissism Relational Relationship
摘要: 黑暗人格三联征指的是由马基雅维利主义、自恋、精神变态三种亚临床人格特质构成的人格特质簇。本文围绕情感关系这一核心分别从情爱关系、恋爱方式、应对情敌的策略等角度就黑暗人格三联征的情感关系特点及其表现展开梳理和探讨,并得出以下结论:1) 三种人格特质之间各自独立又互有重合;2) 自恋倾向于发生一夜情和利友的情爱关系,精神变态水平较高者通过打电话约人做爱来满足自己的情爱需求;3) 精神变态与游戏式恋爱方式有正向关联性,自恋与实用式恋爱方式有正向关联性,马基雅维利主义与实用式、忘我式、疯狂式恋爱方式有正向关联性;4) 马基雅维利主义者用一种粗鲁的减损方式来应对求偶过程中的竞争对手,精神变态者倾向于损坏情敌的名声,自恋者通过超越、压制情敌的情感策略来打败他们。
Abstract: Dark triad refers to a personality trait cluster constituted by three sub-clinical personalities of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopath. Focusing on emotion relationship, this paper dis-cussed the relational characters of dark triad and its performance, from aspects of love relationship, love manner and rival strategies. Some conclusions were drawn: 1) three personalities are not only independent but also mutually overlapping; 2) narcissists tend to have one-night stand and friends with benefits, while psychopaths of high level prefer to have sex by calling others; 3) there is a positive relationship between psychopaths and game-like love, narcissists and practical love, Machiavellianism and practical, crazy as well as ecstatic love, respectively; 4) Machiavellianism prefers a rude way to deal with rivals in the mating process, and psychopaths tend to damage the reputation of rivals, whereas narcissists are more likely to defeat them by emotion strategies of surpassing and suppressing rivals.
文章引用:张晓梅, 李文静 (2015). 黑暗人格三联征的情感关系特点. 心理学进展, 5(8), 457-463. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.58059


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