The Relationship Research among Parental Rearing Pattern, Self-Disclosure and Loneliness of Middle School Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.58058, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,114  浏览: 8,587 
作者: 陆周琳, 冯成志, 孙 伟, 丁玉连:苏州大学教育学院,江苏 苏州
关键词: 初中生家庭教养方式自我表露孤独感Middle School Students Parental Rearing Pattern Self-Disclosure Loneliness
摘要: 本研究试图了解中学生家庭教养方式、自我表露和孤独感的关系。并进一步探讨初中生与同伴自我表露在家庭教养方式与孤独感关系中的中介效应。采用问卷调查法,使用家庭教养方式量表(PBI)、青少年与同伴自我表露问卷(邹泓编制)以及青少年孤独感问卷(阿舍编制),被试为365名初中生,全部数据使用spss17.0统计软件处理。结果显示:1) 对于不同性别,只有父亲鼓励自主和母亲鼓励自主存在显著差异。对于不同的年级,在母亲鼓励自主和关爱因子上存在显著的差异。2) 家庭教养方式、自我表露与孤独感维度之间存在相关关系。3) 孤独感的维度能够被家庭教养方式或者自我表露的某些维度预测到。4) 中介效应检验程序证实,初中生家庭教养方式的母亲关爱维度可以直接影响孤独感,也可以通过影响个体与同伴自我表露水平的亲密友谊维度影响孤独感即起着部分中介作用。
Abstract: The purposes of this study are to investigate the relationship of middle school students’ parental rearing pattern, self-disclosure and loneliness, and to further explore the mediating effect of middle school students’ self-disclosure with peers on the relationship of parental rearing and loneliness. Using questionnaire method, the authors consulted many relative papers, and investigated 365 middle school students by “parenting assessment scale (PBI)”, “adolescent self-disclosure with peers questionnaire” and “adolescent loneliness questionnaire”. Data were analyzed using spss 17.0. Results showed that: 1) for different genders and grades, there is only significant difference between encouraging independence from father and that from mother; 2) parental rearing pattern, self-disclosure and loneliness have association with each other; 3) parental rearing pattern, and self-disclosure are significant predictors of loneliness; 4) mediating effect test proves that dimension of mother care in middle school students’ parental rearing pattern can directly affect loneliness, and also can affect that by influencing dimension of close friendship of self-disclo- sure with peers, which is a partial mediator.
文章引用:陆周琳, 冯成志, 孙伟, 丁玉连 (2015). 初中生家庭教养方式、自我表露以及孤独感的关系研究. 心理学进展, 5(8), 445-456. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.58058


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