Value Creation of Corporate Social Responsibility Drived by Reputation Capital Based on the Experiment Research of Consume Response
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2015.51001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,256  浏览: 14,225  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 邱国栋, 毕 楠:东北财经大学,辽宁 大连
关键词: 企业社会责任声誉资本消费者响应系统动力机制Corporate Social Responsibility Reputation Capital Customer Response System Dynamic Mechanism
摘要: 本文选择消费者视角,对以企业声誉为中介变量的企业社会责任对消费者态度的影响效应概念框架进行了实证检验。研究采取实验法,测试了企业慈善责任和环保责任对消费者的认知情感和行为意向的影响,以及企业声誉在该组影响中的中介作用。研究发现,慈善责任和环保责任均对消费者的认知情感和行为意向具有显著影响,企业声誉在上述影响中起到中介作用。根据实证检验的结果,研究提出了声誉资本驱动的企业社会责任价值创造系统动力机制,揭示了企业社会责任价值创造的机理,进而重构了基于声誉资本的企业社会责任新框架,将传统责任观与经济观的对立化为了统一。
Abstract: This paper put forward the dynamic mechanism of corporate social responsibility value creation system driven by reputation capital. And it revealed the value creation mechanism from literature review of corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation theory. Then it proposed a conceptual framework to study the influence of corporate social responsibility on buyer’s attitude with corporate reputation as mediating variable. It tested the effect of the corporate philanthropic responsibility and environmental responsibility on consumers’ cognition, affect and purchase in-tention, as well as the mediating effect of corporate reputation used experimental study method. It finds that the two kinds of CSR are all have significant impact on consumers’ cognition, affect and purchase intention. And corporate reputation act as mediator between the CSR and customer at-titude. The research put forward to a new framework of corporate social responsibility based on reputation capital and the empirical results. It reconstructed corporate social responsibility theory and put the traditional responsibility concept and economic concept from opposition to unification.
文章引用:邱国栋, 毕楠. 声誉资本驱动的企业社会责任价值创造:基于消费者响应的试验研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2015, 5(1): 1-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2015.51001


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