Comments on Grounded Theory Research Method
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.53027, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,315  浏览: 14,929 
作者: 高传俊, 朱月龙:苏州大学教育学院,江苏 苏州
关键词: 扎根理论质性研究操作过程Grounded Theory Qualitative Research Operation Process
摘要: 扎根理论被誉为自然主义研究范式下最具有科学逻辑的方法论,已被国内外越来越多的教育研究者所重视,该方法的特点是从现象中提炼理论,从而创建或丰富既有的理论体系,本文对扎根理论的概念、特征以及基本流程进行了阐释,比较了其与其他质性研究的不同,从而客观的评价其对心理学、教育学的贡献,但同时仍有许多局限性,需要研究者不断的去改进、完善。
Abstract: Grounded theory has been hailed as a naturalistic research paradigm under the methodology of scientific logic. It has attracted more and more attention from the education researchers both at home and abroad. The characteristics of the method are deriving theory from phenomenon and creating or enriching the existing theory systems. This paper introduces in detail the concept of grounded theory, characteristics, basic process and compares it with other qualitative researches, so as to objectively evaluate its contribution to the psychology, pedagogy. At the same time there are still many limitations. Researchers need to improve and perfect it continually.
文章引用:高传俊, 朱月龙 (2015). 关于扎根理论研究方法的述评. 心理学进展, 5(3), 193-197. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.53027


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