Seven Lexical Attributes and Their Corresponding Governing Principles
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2014.24028, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,122  浏览: 13,668  国家科技经费支持
作者: 侯国金:华侨大学外国语学院,泉州
关键词: 词汇语用学七属性七原则关联语效Lexical Pragmatics Seven Attributes Seven Principles Relevance Effect (iveness)
摘要: 文章的“词汇语用观”论述了词汇的七个根本属性以及约束或操纵它们的“语用原则”:可谓性和可谓原则;可解性和清晰原则;关联性和关联原则;省力性和省力原则;象似性和象似原则;得体性和得体原则;语效性和语效原则。不过,词汇的各个属性和相应的原则不是完全或完美的一一对应。在实际语言分析中完全可以采用一属性对多原则,或一原则对多属性的做法。因此,任何一个词汇属性都可以用不止一个语用原则来解释,反之亦然。
Abstract: The lexical pragmatic view of this thesis formulates the seven lexical attributes and their corres-ponding governing principles: expressibility plus expressibility principle, processibility plus clarity principle, relevance plus relevance principle, effortlessness plus principle of least effort, iconicity plus iconicity principle, felicity plus felicity principle, and effectiveness plus effectiveness principle. It is pointed out, however, that these attributes and their corresponding principles do not really enjoy absolute correspondence elegance, so that in actual linguistic analysis the approach of one attribute plus more than one principle, or one principle plus more than one attribute, is possible and on the other hand, any of the seven attributes can be accounted by more than one principle designated, and vice versa.
文章引用:侯国金. 词汇语用学的“七属性”和相应的“七原则”[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(4): 232-243. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.24028


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