The Impact of Store Image on Consumer Behavior: A Review
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2014.44011, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,750  浏览: 15,398 
作者: 王蒙霞:同济大学经济与管理学院,上海
关键词: 商店形象惠顾行为商店形象属性Store Image Consumer Patronage Behavior Store Image Attributes
摘要: 在西方,商店形象已经历了近半个世纪的研究,而在中国,针对商店形象的研究则显得相对滞后。本文从商店形象概念的梳理,商店形象的属性维度构成,综述商店形象如何影响消费者惠顾行为,并提出在中国环境下,商店形象对消费者惠顾行为影响这一议题的未来研究方向。
Abstract: Store image has been the subject of research over the last 50 years in western academics. However, it seems a little bit hysteretic in Chinese academics. The primary purpose of this review is to de-scribe the definition of store image, illustrate the dimensions of store image and provide an over-view of how store image influence consumer patronage behavior. Combining with Chinese cir-cumstance, we give some suggestions to future research.
文章引用:王蒙霞. 商店形象对消费者惠顾行为影响的研究评述及展望[J]. 现代市场营销, 2014, 4(4): 67-73.


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