Review and Prospective on Research of Brand Name Suggestiveness
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.46096, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,997  浏览: 8,028 
作者: 石金凤, 冬 梅, 李佳佳, 李 瑛:陕西师范大学心理学院,西安
关键词: 品牌名称暗示性测量方法结果变量中间变量Brand Name Suggestiveness Measuring Method Outcome Variable Intermediate Variable
摘要: 品牌名称是企业重要的无形资产,暗示性品牌名称浓缩了产品或企业特点。目前研究暗示性品名的方法主要是测量;影响品名暗示性的中间变量包括字词等语言学变量和消费者个体因素等;结果变量包括记忆、情感、态度和消费决策等。未来可从细化和深入研究范围,与中国文化相结合等方面开展研究。
Abstract: Brand name is considered to be one of the major assets of a firm, and the suggestive brand name concentrates the product or enterprise features. Measurement is the major method used for re-searching the suggestive brand name at present; intermediate variables influencing the suggestive brand name include linguistic variables such as words, consumer individual factors, and so on; out-come variables include memory, emotion, attitude and consumption decision-making, etc. Future studies should refine and penetrate the study range combined with the context of Chinese culture.
文章引用:石金凤, 冬梅, 李佳佳, 李瑛 (2014). 品牌名称暗示性研究回顾与展望. 心理学进展, 4(6), 723-728. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.46096


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