Literature Review about Appearance Attractiveness’s Effects on Income
DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2014.23007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,723  浏览: 16,475 
作者: 段娅丽:中国政法大学商学院,北京
关键词: 相貌吸引力收入文献综述Appearance Attractiveness Income Literature Review
摘要: 近几年,随着美貌经济学逐渐步入大众的视野,越来越多的国内外学者专注于研究劳动力市场上相貌吸引力对收入的影响。对于美貌,经济学家将其视为一种稀缺性生产资源,并认为劳动力市场上普遍存在着“美貌溢价”和“丑陋罚款”现象;心理学家则把“相貌歧视”解释为一种人类普遍存在地潜意识的心理自我保护反应。为了深入探究隐性的相貌歧视问题,本文对国内外相关文献进行系统性梳理,从不同视角阐述美貌对收入的影响,并分析劳动力市场存在相貌歧视的原因,最后提出应对相貌歧视的有效建议。
Abstract: Over the years, with the “Economics of Beauty” gradually coming into the public’s vision, more and more scholars both in China and abroad, have started to focus on the research about appearance attractiveness’s effects on income. As for beauty, economists regard it as a kind of scarce productive resources and hold the view that there does exist “Beauty Premium” and “Ugliness Penalty” in the labor market. Instead, psychologists think of “Appearance Discrimination” as a common human subconsciously self-protection phenomenon. In order to have a deep understanding of the hidden “Appearance Discrimination”, we systematically comb the related literature both at home and abroad, expound the beauty’s effects on income through a different lens and explore the reasons why labor market exists “Appearance Discrimination”. Finally, we put forward some effective suggestions for dealing with the problem of “Appearance Discrimination”.
文章引用:段娅丽. 相貌吸引力对收入影响的文献综述[J]. 商业全球化, 2014, 2(3): 39-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BGlo.2014.23007


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