Research Status and Prospects of Continuing Care in Our Nursing Colostomy
DOI: 10.12677/NS.2014.33010, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,572  浏览: 12,942 
作者: 陈 静, 邱 群:第二军医大学附属长海医院肛肠外科,上海
关键词: 延续护理肠造口生活质量自我护理Transitional Care Intestinal Stoma Quality of Life Self Care
摘要: 肠造口患者在出院后将面临长时间的造口自我护理的问题,需要医疗体系与家庭的持续支持与护理。延续护理被认为是改善患者生活质量、保证患者生命安全的重要方式。延续护理作为住院护理的延伸,可给予患者不间断的护理干预,最大限度地提高患者及家属参与护理的能力和对造口相关知识的掌握程度。通过电话干预、家庭访视、门诊随访、造口联谊会、同伴教育、社区护理、网络教育等方式对造口患者进行延续护理,使得患者在生活质量、自我护理能力、自尊、依从性、社会心理适应等方面得到了很大提高。
Abstract: Colostomy patients discharged from hospital faced the problem of long-term ostomy self-care; they need the continuing support and care from health care system and the family. Continuing care is considered to be an important way to improve the quality of life of patients and ensure the safety of patients. As an extension of hospital care, continuing care may give the patient continuous nursing intervention to maximize the ability to care for patients and their families to participate in and mastery of stoma-related knowledge. Through telephone intervention, home visits, outpatient follow-up, ostomy associations, peer education, community care, network education and other ways to provide stoma patients with continuing care, patients’ life quality, self-care, self- esteem, compliance, social psychological adaptation, etc. have been greatly improved.
文章引用:陈静, 邱群. 延续护理在我国肠造口护理中的研究现状及展望[J]. 护理学, 2014, 3(3): 45-50. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/NS.2014.33010


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