An Analysis of Academic Japanese Discourse——The Discoursal Strategies Used in Question-and-Answer Session after Oral Presentation
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2014.22013, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,639  浏览: 11,381  科研立项经费支持
作者: 林淑璋, 陈怡蓁, 林佳燕:元智大学应用外语系,桃园;卢萍:厦门理工学院商学院,厦门 ;陈丽清:台中科技大学应用英语系,台中
关键词: 学术日语言谈策略提问类型后设言谈Academic Japanese Discoursal Strategies Question Patterns Meta-Discourse
摘要: 本论文之研究目的为探究日语学术研究会中提问言谈之特质。所使用之语料取自于东京2011年召开之3个文科研究会提问时间20名提问的内容。本论文首先观察提问结构与流程,其中常被提问的话题,经常被使用的言谈策略,提问模态与语言表达方式以及后设言谈。研究结果发现日本学者提问时通常使用复合式的提问模态,并以后设言谈铺陈及谦让语词包装提问的核心;由此观察到日本学者在提问时与其明确直接地提问,更重视避免因提问而影响人际关系。
Abstract: This study collected the spoken data of the follow-up question-and-answer sessions in the presentations delivered by 20 Japanese speakers in three different academic conferences conducted in Tokyo in 2011. The focus of our research was to investigate how the participants employed linguistic devices to construct question discourse. This study observed the following results: the topics that are mostly likely to be addressed, the patterns, the discoursal strategies, the language expressions, and the meta-discourse of those questions that distinguish the characteristic of Japanese academic scholars. Japanese scholars tend to be very polite and rarely ask questions abruptly. They usually use more than one question pattern, and use meta-discourse to mitigate the questions. In other words, for Japanese scholars, maintaining harmonious social relations is far more important than communicating and clarifying the questions.
文章引用:林淑璋, 卢萍, 陈怡蓁, 陈丽清, 林佳燕. 学术日语言谈分析——研究论文口头宣读后之提问内容为主[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(2): 105-113. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.22013


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