Second Language Acquisition Studies under Three Theoretical Frames
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2014.22010, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,912  浏览: 13,265 
作者: 冯丽娟:北京师范大学汉语文化学院,北京
关键词: 普遍语法认知心理学社会文化理论二语习得研究Universal Grammar Cognitive Psychology Sociocultural Theory Second Language Acquisition
摘要: 本文在介绍普遍语法、认知心理学、社会文化理论的基础上,找到了这三大理论框架与第二语言习得研究的接口,认为二语习得研究如果在这三大理论框架下进行,会更有解释力。最后,我们以普遍语法框架下的结果补语研究为例,介绍了这类二语习得研究的具体操作方法和程序。希望本文的研究可以帮助今后的第二语言习得研究理清思路,提高理论性。
Abstract: At first, this article introduces three theoretical frames: Universal Grammar, Cognitive Psychology and Sociocultural Theory. Then, we find the interface between these three frames and second language acquisition studies. We claim that if we do second language acquisition research on the basis of these theoretical frames, it will get more persuasive. At last, this article takes a research of Chinese resultatives under the framework of Universal Grammar as an example, and shows me- thod and procedure of second language acquisition studies. We hope this article can help the fol- lowing studies get their thoughts into shape and raise the level of theory.
文章引用:冯丽娟. 三大理论框架下的二语习得研究[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(2): 82-87. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.22010


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