Towards Countability of Normal English Nouns from a Language User’s Dynamic Perspective
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2013.12006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,054  浏览: 12,143  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈崇崇*:浙江师范大学外国语学院,金华
关键词: 常规英语名词可数性语言使用者动态认知角度认知语法Normal English Nouns; Countability; A Language User’s Dynamic Perspective; Cognitive Grammar
摘要: 为了对英语中大量存在的常规名词在可数性方面灵活运用这一现象做出统一解释,本文结合动态认知观点,提出英语常规名词的可数性无法预先设定,而需从语言使用者所要表达的动态认知角度加以确定,其可数性取决于是否用于表达对个体有界性或分门别类的认知。这一观点理论上符合以使用为基础的认知语法模式,同时在实践上将对EFL学习者准确理解和使用常规英语名词具有重要意义。
Abstract: For a unified account of the dynamic countability of abundant normal nouns in English, this paper, following the assumption of dynamic cognition, proposes that countability should not be a pre-established feature of the normal noun; rather, its countability be approached from an English user’s dynamic perspective, depending on whether the noun is intended to denote an individuated unit or a particular sort. Theoretically, the proposal is thus made in accordance with usage-based cognitive grammar, and practically it will be of significance for EFL learners in their accurate comprehension and expression of the normal English nouns.
文章引用:陈崇崇. 从语言使用者的动态认知角度确定常规英语名词的可数性[J]. 现代语言学, 2013, 1(2): 30-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2013.12006


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