Re-Reading Chapter 33 Book 2 of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding*
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作者: 欧光安*:石河子大学外国语学院,南开大学文学院
关键词: “观念联系”《项狄传》离题认知哲学Association of Ideas; Tristram Shandy; Digression; Cognitive Philosophy
摘要: 谈到洛克的“观念联系”学说对《项狄传》的影响,历来的学者基本持肯定态度,认为是理所当然的事,但大都没有作详细的分析。近来国内外有学者认为对《项狄传》产生影响的不是洛克的“观念联系”论,而是“观念串连”论。本文作者通过细读《人类理解论》第2卷第33章,宏观考量全书观点和洛克的整体思想框架,分析《项狄传》中典型的离题、思维跳跃的实例,认为洛克的“观念联系”论确实是斯特恩独特写作技法的基础,而“观念串联”是另一位哲学家霍布斯的常用学术用语。
Abstract: Speaking of Locke’s theory of association of ideas on Tristram Shandy, for years scholars at home and abroad admit its influence basically, taking it for granted, whereas without any detailed analysis. Re- cently there is an opinion that it is not the theory of association of ideas but the theory of train of ideas influ- ences the novel Tristram Shandy. By re-reading chapter 33 of book2 inAn Essay Concerning Human Under- standing in details, taking opinions in the book and Locke’s overall philosophical system into consideration and analyzing typical digressive examples in Tristram Shandy, the author puts forward the idea that Locke’s theory of association of ideas is the basis of Sterne’s unique writing techniques in his novels, while train of ideas is a common phrase used by another British philosopher Thomas Hobbes.
文章引用:欧光安. 重读《人类理解论》第2卷第33章*—谈洛克的“观念联系”论对《项狄传》的影响[J]. 世界文学研究, 2013, 1(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2013.11001


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