New Insight of Addiction: Experiential Avoidance Theory Centered on the Self-Concept
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.54077, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,581  浏览: 9,605 
作者: 全 欢:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 毒品成瘾正念疗法体验回避自我概念模型建构Addiction Mindfulness Experiential Avoidance Self-Concept Model Construction
摘要: 本文提出了一种成瘾的新模型,即以自我为核心的体验回避模型。我们从心理和社会两个视角来看待成瘾问题,并将两者有机融合在模型当中。从心理视角看,成瘾是体验回避的一种策略;从社会视角来看,成瘾是个体与社会的互动方式。在此模型的基础上,提出了对成瘾发生发展全过程的理解,推论成瘾包括两阶段,并且成瘾过程中存在着恶性循环,而体验接纳是打破恶性循环并促进成瘾治疗的关键方式。该模型的建立能够为理解成瘾机制提供新视角,为治疗成瘾提供新启示。
Abstract: This paper develops a new model of addiction, which is called the experiential avoidance theory centered on the self-concept. We view addiction from two different aspects, namely psychological view and social view, and we combine these two views in our model. From psychological view, addiction is a strategy for experiential avoidance; from the social view, addiction is a way that individuals interact with the society. Based on this model, the development process of addiction is described by dividing it into two stages, which are primary stage and secondary stage. And also, we highlight that there exists a vicious cycle in the process of addiction and that acceptance is the key way to break the vicious cycle and promote addiction treatment. The new model we present in this paper can provide a new insight for the understanding of the mechanism of addiction and also shed light on the addiction treatment.
文章引用:全欢. 成瘾新观点:自我为核心的体验回避模型[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(4): 552-561. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.54077


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