The Evolution and Enlightenment in Diversification of English and American Primary and Secondary School System Reform
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2016.62011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,106  浏览: 10,907 
作者: 朱皆笑*:华东师范大学教育管理学系,上海
关键词: 英美中小学多样化办学体制改革English and American Primary and Secondary Schools Diverse Educational System System Reform
摘要: 英美国家自上世纪八十年代以来对统一学校的体制不断批判,认为国家公立的中小学体制普遍缺乏灵活性,不能满足学生多样化的教育需求。在此背景下,英美教育界开始了新一轮提高学校教育质量的多样化办学模式。本文从英美多样化办学的体制背景、管理组织机构、权责关系、出资关系及办学类型出发,对英美中小学的办学体制进行探究,并讨论对我国中小学办学体制改革的启示。
Abstract: Since the 1980s, English and American criticism of the unified school system has risen that the public school system was lack of flexibility which can’t meet the diverse educational needs of students. In this context, the English and American education began a new round of diverse educational system for improving the quality of school education. From the background of English and American diverse educational system, management organization, the relationship of powers and responsibilities, the type of investor relations and school types, this article explores the English and American primary and secondary school system and discusses the enlightenment to the primary and secondary school system reform in China.
文章引用:朱皆笑. 英美中小学多样化办学体制的改革演进与启示[J]. 教育进展, 2016, 6(2): 65-72. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2016.62011


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