Analysis on the Promotion Strategy of Graphic Conversion Rate in Enterprise WeChat Public Subscription Number
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2016.41001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,576  浏览: 8,761 
作者: 杨明刚, 万红玲:华东理工大学艺术设计与传媒学院,上海
关键词: 微信公众订阅号图文转化率提升策略WeChat Public Subscription Number Graphic Conversion Rate The Promotion Strategy
摘要: 随着微信营销时代的到来,各大企业的微信公众号如雨后春笋般不断涌现。企业微信公众平台可以实现和特定群体的文字、图片及语音的全方位沟通与互动。随着微信公众平台的不断完善,目前微信公众账号类型分为三种:服务号、订阅号以及企业号。本文研究主体是微信公众账号中的一个类型:公众订阅号,并选取了果壳网(微信号:Guokr42)、虎嗅网(微信号:huxiu_com)、壹读(微信号:yiduiiread)、天猫(微信号:tmall01)、顾爷(grandpgu)、学霸说(微信号:xuebashuo)以及杜蕾斯(微信号:youlovedurex)等行业内一批优质的公众订阅号为分析案例,从图文转化率的角度探析如何做好企业微信公众订阅号内容运营,以期为企业及相关行业从业者提供一些参考与建议。
Abstract: With the arrival of WeChat marketing, enterprise WeChat public platforms spring up like mu-shrooms after rain. WeChat public platform supports voice, photo, video and text messages to communicate with specific groups. With the continuous improvement of WeChat public platform, it is divided into three types: service number, subscription number and the enterprise number. In this paper, the main research subject focuses on subscription number, and selects a number of high-quality subscription numbers in the industry for the analysis of the case, such as Guokr42, huxiu_com, yiduiiread, tmall01, grandpgu, xuebashuo and youlovedurex. In order to provide some guidance and suggestions for enterprises and related industry practitioners, the paper analyzes how to do WeChat subscription content operation from the perspective of graphic conversion rate.
文章引用:杨明刚, 万红玲. 企业微信公众订阅号图文转化率提升策略探析[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2016, 4(1): 1-10.


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