Other-Regarding Preferences in Only Children: An Experimental Study Based on Game Theory
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.62016, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,571  浏览: 8,478  国家科技经费支持
作者: 郭庆科, 虞树双:山东师范大学心理学院,山东 济南
关键词: 独生儿童涉他偏好博弈实验同胞关系Only Child Other-Regarding Preferences Game Theory Sibling Relationship
摘要: 自2016年起我国不再执行独生子女政策。但在未来相当长的一段时间内独生子女家庭仍然占据很大比重。关于独生儿童的性格培养和教育仍然是社会关注的热点。对独生与非独生儿童在个性、品德等方面的差异国内外的结论并不一致。本研究采用博弈实验范式考察了独生和非独生小学生在涉他偏好上的差异。结果显示:独生儿童的分配行为更具有亲社会性,且更可能属于公平型,非独生儿童更可能属于嫉妒型;两类儿童的利他总分及属于利他型和经济人型的比例不存在显著差异。总体上看独生儿童的涉他偏好行为并不比非独生儿童差,甚至在有些方面要优于非独生儿童。本研究对独生子女偏见进行了有力的反驳。
Abstract: The controversy over the only children has been the focus of society. Most native and abroad re-search focused on personality and morality of the only children has not been consistent. The game theoretical paradigm provides a new approach and perspective to study the difference of other- regarding preferences in the only children and those who have siblings. The results showed that only children’s resource allocations were more prosocial and egalitarian, while there is a smaller fraction of spiteful types in single children than in non-single children; for altruistic total scores, altruistic types and homo economics types, we did not find any significant difference between pupils who were only children and pupils who have siblings. The findings suggest that single children are not at any disadvantage compared to their peers who have siblings and they enjoy some advantages even in some aspects.
文章引用:郭庆科, 虞树双 (2016). 博弈实验研究范式下独生儿童的涉他偏好. 心理学进展, 6(2), 121-133. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.62016


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