New Exploration of Framework in Psychological Research Methods
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.53025, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,715  浏览: 12,009 
作者: 卢志巍, 段锦云:苏州大学,江苏 苏州
关键词: 研究方法定量研究实验法操纵效度Research Methods Quantitative Study Experimental Method Manipulation Validity
摘要: 恰当的研究方法是优秀的心理学研究的必要条件,因此心理学研究者不断开发新的研究方法。文章提出了心理与行为科学研究方法的结构框架,从传统的定量研究和定性研究的角度出发介绍了几种主要的心理学研究方法的概念和应用条件,并从内外部效度、控制和操纵方面对其进行了比较。文章最后对不同研究方法的综合运用作了展望。
Abstract: Appropriate methods are necessary to excellent psychological researches, so researchers are con-stantly developing new research methods. This article put forward the framework in psychological and behavioral research methods, introduced the constructs and application conditions of different methods from the perspective of qualitative study and quantitative study and compared these methods in the aspect of internal validity, external validity, control and manipulation. Finally, the integration of different methods was discussed as well.
文章引用:卢志巍, 段锦云 (2015). 心理学研究方法的结构框架新探. 心理学进展, 5(3), 180-185. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.53025


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