Anxiety and Decision-Making: A Neuroeconomic View
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.44086, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,228  浏览: 16,023 
作者: 刘振亮, 沐守宽, 刘田田, 韩佳慧:闽南师范大学教育科学学院,漳州
关键词: 焦虑决策神经经济学认知效应Anxiety Decision-Making Neuroeconomic Cognitive Effects
摘要: 具有焦虑症状的人,每天的决策都很容易受到他过度的恐慌与担忧的影响。但在神经经济学的研究中,焦虑与决策的关系仍然没有得到解答。文章试图用神经经济学的观点来探讨焦虑在决策中的作用。文章回顾了同恐惧与焦虑有关的神经基础,发现它们重叠的区域与决策有关。焦虑所具有的认知效应对决策存在着潜在影响。焦虑与决策的关系分别从不确定性、框架效应以及损失反感三个方面来进行阐述。文章最后进行了简要的述评与总结。
Abstract: Although the everyday decision-making of clinically anxious individuals is easily influenced by their excessive panic and fear, the relationship between anxiety and decision-making remains still getting no answer in neuroeconomic studies. This paper tries to explore the role of anxiety in de-cision-making with a neuroeconomic approach. The paper first reviews the neural systems me-diating fear and anxiety, which overlap with a network of brain regions associated with decision- making. Cognitive effects of anxiety have the potential impact on the decision making. After that, the paper explains the relationship between anxiety and decision-making from uncertainty, framing effect and loss aversion. Finally, we briefly comment and summarize the paper.
文章引用:刘振亮, 沐守宽, 刘田田, 韩佳慧 (2014). 焦虑与决策:神经经济学观点. 心理学进展, 4(4), 640-648. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.44086


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