A Cross-Examination of the Noumenon and Its Thinking Horizon
DOI: 10.12677/ACPP.2013.24011, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,904  浏览: 9,692 
作者: 闫顺利:燕山大学文法学院,秦皇岛
关键词: 形而上学本体实践过程思维方式Metaphysics; Noumenon; Practice; Process; Ways of Thinking
摘要: 追求永恒是人类理性最根深蒂固的本能,形而上学研究难以回避本体论,确立本体的目的在于为人类思想提供坚实基础,然而人们对本体有着相近而又相互抵牾的观点,不同本体观念之间的盘诘暴露出本体认识的诸多悖谬,实体本体论、实践本体论、过程本体论代表了三种思维方式,其所蕴含的矛盾推动着本体论研究的深层进展,本体论绽放着新的可能性维度。
Abstract: The pursuit of eternity is the most deep-rooted instinct of human reason. Metaphysical studies are difficult to avoid ontology. The purpose of the establishment of noumenon is to provide a solid foundation for thinking. However, people have similar and mutually contradictory views of noumenon. The cross-examination of different views about noumenon reveals many absurd ideas. Entity ontology, practice ontology and process ontology represent three ways of thinking. Their inherent contradictions push a deep progress in the study of ontology. In this sense, the dimension of ontology has new possibilities to be developed.
文章引用:闫顺利. 本体的盘诘及其思想视域[J]. 哲学进展, 2013, 2(4): 57-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACPP.2013.24011


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