Age-Related Influence for Framing Effect in the Risky Decision-Making Tasks
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.35037, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,281  浏览: 12,384  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 刘涵慧:中国青年政治学院青少年工作系
关键词: 年龄风险决策框架效应认知加工风格信息加工双通路说Age; Risky Decision-Making; Framing Effect; Cognitive Processing Style; Dual Information Processes
摘要: 风险决策中的框架效应是决策研究的重要部分,不同年龄段的框架效应可能有显著差异。目前年龄与风险决策中框架效应关系的实证研究主要有三类观点:一是年龄与框架效应无关,二是框架效应随年龄增长而增大,三是随年龄增长,个体决策表现出从双向框架效应向单向框架效应的转变。本文从神经基础、认知加工风格以及信息加工双通路说及其对前景理论的修正等三个视角解读了年龄与框架效应之间的复杂关系,并认为,随年龄增长,个体加工情绪情感类(尤其是积极情绪情感类)信息能力的增强可能是导致框架效应随年龄变化的重要原因。
Abstract: Studies of framing effect in risky decision-making played an important role in rational deci- sion-making. There might be significant age-related changes of framing effects. Previous studies mainly had three findings: first of all, participants with different ages showed little differences in framing effect; Next, framing effect became larger with the increasing age; Finally, participants’ decision shifted from bidirectional to unidirectional framing effect with age increased. We reviewed the complicated relationships between framing effect and age, under the construct of neural correlates, cognitive processing style, dual information processes and the modified prospect theory; Moreover, we supposed that the increasing advantage of proc- essing emotional information, especially positive emotion might be the key reason of age-related changes in framing effect.
文章引用:刘涵慧 (2013). 年龄与风险决策中框架效应间关系及其机制探析. 心理学进展, 3(5), 238-245. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.35037


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